Loco / Tender Drawbars for Hornby 9F (OO Gauge 2022 Release only)
Pack includes 3 drawbars of different lengths that can be used to replace the original to provide an alternative locomotive to tender spacing.
PLEASE READ the Description below and take a look at the pictures.
Loco / Tender Drawbars for Hornby 9F (2022 Release only)
OO Gauge
Pack includes 3 drawbars of different lengths that can be used to replace the original to provide an alternative locomotive to tender spacing.
PLEASE READ the *** NOTES *** BELOW and take a LOOK at the PICTURES
The original drawbar has only 2 settings, long and very short. The long setting in our opinion is visually a little too long and could be closed up if your track curves are less severe than 2nd Radius; whilst the very short setting does look good this is really only suited for display and will not negotiate anything sharper than very large radii curves.
We have therefore produced a pack of 3 alternatives to provide some 'in-between' options for a better visual appearance whilst maintaining the ability to operate; the pack includes:-
- Short – 13.8mm mounting hole centres,
- Intermediate – 14.8mm mounting hole centres,
- Standard – 15.3mm mounting hole centres.
For comparison the original drawbar has approx.12.8mm mounting hole centres in the very short position and approx.16.6mm mounting hole centres in the long position.
As to which drawbar will be suited to your 9F on your layout, this may involve some trial which is why we supply the pack of 3 alternatives.
What we can say from trials with these drawbars fitted to our 9F, operating on our layout, is:-
- the Short 13.8mm drawbar has worked well on 4th Radius curves
- the Intermediate 14.8mm drawbar has worked well on 3rd Radius curves
*** NOTE 1 *** you are likely to have to carry out a trial yourself, to ensure that the loco / tender spacing is set suitably for your own layout trackwork.
*** NOTE 2 *** these drawbars are made from plastic and are therefore not going to be as strong or able to take abuse in the same way that the metal original would.
*** NOTE 3 *** these drawbars are suitable for normal running on layouts, however care must be taken not to put undue strain on the drawbar when handling the model.
*** NOTE 4 *** the drawbars have been successfully strength tested with our 9F hauling a 75 wagon train on a layout with gradients.
*** NOTE 5 *** The drawbars should be fitted/removed as per the Hornby instructions.
*** NOTE 6 *** These drawbars fit the 2022 Release Hornby 9F OO Gauge locomotives.
*** NOTE 7 *** These drawbars may be suitable for fitting to some other Hornby locomotives.
Hornby 9F drawbar
Bought for my 9F, made a massive improvement in tender to loco distance. Used the shortest length as this was as close as I could go and still negotiate all the curves. Great item, have also found they fit other Hornby locos that use similar style drawbars, such as the 2MT, Duke of Gloucester etc.